L'allaitement maternel

Allows my Johan to experience the closeness
Let him feels the warmness
Comfort him with love
To take pleasure in the sound of lullaby

While breastfeeding helps relieve the discomfort of full breasts, many believe that by breastfeeding may also helps regain body figure more quickly, and permitting the uterus to return more rapidly to its normal state. 
Which i doubt.

But the most important is the baby get all the nutrients he needs to thrive for the first few months of life.
And both of us enjoyed it!!
AVENT breast pump

When return to work, me spend about half an hour sitting at the corner of surau, try to get myself as comfortable as possible. Assembling the AVENT breast pump PoPo bought and Enjoy breast-pumping!!

La Première Voix

Azan by Papa

The first sounds to reach my baby’s ears will be the words of Azan.
'I saw the Rasullah (SAW) calling Azan in the ear of Al-Hasan bin Ali (Radiya Allahu anhu) when Fatima (Radiya Allahu anha) gave birth to him.' [ Abu Dawod, al-Tirmizi].
Calling out the Azan and Iqaamat into JohanMikael's ears by PaPa, the Oneness of Allah Ta'ala and the message of Rasulullah (SAW) reaches the depths of his heart. The seed of Iman and faith.
Sunnah practice of Tahneek: MakWan placed a tiny portion of a chewed date into JohanMikael's mouth.

Prières quotidiennes pour mon fils

1. Ta Ha
مَآ أَنَزَلْنَا عَلَيْكَ الْقُرْءَانَ لِتَشْقَى
2. Kami tidak menurunkan Al-Quran kepadamu (wahai Muhammad) supaya engkau menanggung kesusahan.
Nous n'avons point fait descendre sur toi le Coran pour que tu sois malheureux
إِلاَّ تَذْكِرَةً لِّمَن يَخْشَى
3. Hanya untuk menjadi peringatan bagi orang-orang yang takut melanggar perintah. Allah
si ce n'est qu'un Rappel pour celui qui redoute (Allah)
تَنزِيلاً مِّمَّنْ خَلَق الاٌّرْضَ وَالسَّمَـوَتِ الْعُلَى
4. (Al-Quran) diturunkan dari (Tuhan) yang menciptakan bumi dan langit yang tinggi.
(et comme) une révélation émanant de Celui qui a créé la terre et les cieux sublimes.
الرَّحْمَـنُ عَلَى الْعَرْشِ اسْتَوَى
5. Iaitu (Allah) Ar-Rahman, yang bersemayam di atas Arasy.
Le Tout Miséricordieux S'est établi ‹Istawa› sur le Tròne.

Good Boy Ibu

Mon Champion

a few minutes age
Muhammad Johan Mikael

Given name blessing the Firstborn.
Malaikat Mikael, who task is to set sustenance creatures of Allah, and sends rain.
That he brings Happiness and Joy
Provision and Good Health